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  NED CHRISTIE 1852-1892. Si-yo, Do-hi-ju.

Executive Legislature, circa 1885
"Ned Christie, Daniel Redbird, and Daniel Muskrat, members elect of the National Council, have been before Cherokee people as public men many years..." the Cherokee Advocate, 14 NOV 1885
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Welcome to the Ned Page
It is the 150th anniversary of Ned Christie's birth. Here we remember not only the great sacrifice he gave for the Cherokee as a people and as a Nation; but, the patriotism he instilled in our people, our families.

Labeled an 'Outlaw,' his story overcame the myth and gave rise to one of the most revered Cherokee, American Indians, of all time.

Enjoy your visit to the Cherokee Nation of Old with Ned Christie and experience the history and heritage of a rare hero ~ A BRAVE MAN.

Some of my pages are WIDE. I am sorry, but for now you must scroll to see all.

Ned Christie Drawing by Norris
Gene Norris, genealogist and artist, did this drawing for cover art incorporated into the booklet by Roy Hamilton, "For Honor and Country," the Biography of Ned Christie, second edition, retitled, in 2000, copies available, 8x10.


One Nation


~Faith in a new patriotism fills the Cherokee Nation as we celebrate the birth year of Ned Christie. We ask that everyone respect and honor the people of the Tribal Nation Ned loved. It was not, nor is today, a political faction that makes the Cherokee Nation great ~ but, it is the CHEROKEE PEOPLE. Each and every individual has Great worth, and our potential as a Nation and a People is limitless. It was the Cherokee People Ned devoted his life to. The mystery and myth of an accused 'outlaw' has given way to the facts of Ned's life and given us a Legend to be proud of ~ and the man his family greatly loves.~


Purchase the Biography

"For Honor and Country." Join the "Friends of Ned."
Visit the "About Page" for information on purchasing the booklet. 120 pages of family history, rare photos, etc. E-mail outoftheboxf@intellex.com to join the "Friends of Ned."

WA-DO, Email us, Let us know your thoughts!
New pictures, news, messages, information and comments will be added often. Please visit us again as soon as possible. Wado, Thank You, for visiting.



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